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Frequently Asked Questions


  1. 1. Is the portal system paid?

  2. Yes.

    The fee will be determined based on your monthly sales turnover, and it is a symbolic amount that will not have an impact on your budget.

    Unless your offers turn into orders, no fee will be charged.

    Portal usage fee will be charged to you every three months. Your monthly turnover will be indicated on your invoice and the amount of portal usage corresponding to this turnover will be shown.

  3. What should I do to obtain a portal system username and password?

  4. It is sufficient to fill out the Candidate Supplier form. Username and password are notified to the supplier company within two days at the latest.

  5. Does the portal system have user manual and support line?

  6. Yes.

    Training notes and training videos are available in the system. If these resources are insufficient, you may get help from +90 262 678 72 40 support line.

  7. Can we integrate the software we use with the portal?

  8. Yes. The portal system can work integrated with any system. We provide the necessary support in this regard to suppliers upon request.

  9. Is it mandatory to switch to the portal system?

  10. Yes. Trakya Döküm moved all its suppliers onto the portal system in 2017. Previously used systems will be phased out during the year.

  11. What information and reports can I get from the portal system?

    • Your percentage of total Trakya Döküm purchases by product and product group
    • Information about your pending and delayed orders
    • Your pending proposals
    • Your previous bids for product and services